
Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Ragamuffin

46% Elegant, 41% Technological, 33% Historical, 28% Adventurous and 49% Playful!

You are the Ragamuffin, the embodiment of steampunk playfulness.  Chances are, you approach the genre from a much more casual and lighthearted standpoint than most other fans.  To you, there is always an element of play inherent in the genre, and you may very well enjoy fashion as much for the opportunity to dress up as for the style itself.  You probably wear goggles as an accessory, and rarely as actual eye-protection.  Your outfits are likely to incorporate a lot of brown or cream, and combine large boots, Victorian corsets or vests, aviator caps or bowler hats, and gypsy skirts or slacks, simply because you like them all.


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Your result for The Steampunk Archetype Test...

The Roguish Pirate

9 Swashbuckling Engineer, 8 Crazy Clockwork Tinkerer, 27 Charming Noble, 42 Roguish Pirate, 23 Mechanical Fian and 42 Aetherist Bodger!

There is treasure on those airships flying back from the Imperial colonies and you can be found wherever there is treasure.  Sometimes you don’t know what you prefer, having the loot or getting the loot.  You have your own crew of engineers, bodgers, tinkerers and fians to keep your airship fast and powerful.  Those lumbering cargo ships can’t withstand your assault after you fire off the grappling hooks.  Oh there is always a fight, but that is part of the fun. 

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Your result for The Steampunk Style Test...

The Aristocrat

57% Elegant, 41% Technological, 33% Historical, 28% Adventurous and 40% Playful!

You are the Aristocrat, the embodiment of steampunk elegance and poise.  For you, dressing steampunk is first and foremost about simply looking good, with accessories and details to follow.  However, this does not mean that you ignore the demands of creating a “steampunk look.” Your outfits weave together a balance between technology and style, and between period accuracy and beautiful anachronism.  While your fashion inspiration may come from anywhere across the Victorian social spectrum, you always find a way to make your outfit beautiful.  You will probably be found in the clothes of the steam age elite simply because of the greater elegance available to them.  Chances are you dress this way because you like it, and you would still dress in this manner even if steampunk was not a popular interest.



Try our other Steampunk test here.

Take The Steampunk Style Test at HelloQuizzy

Mechanized Cavalier
-2 Urban, 3 Physical, -3 Technophobic, 9 Belligerent and -8 HighClass!
You are a mechanized cavalier! Mimicking the dash of cavalry from days hence, you strut astride your steam and clockwork mechanopods on fields of battle all arround the globe, lances and sabres bristling, trampling down good soldiers and pagan savages with equal ease.
Alternatively, if you have a stomach for the heights, you might want to try your hand as a balooner-scout for the Army, or navigating the skies as a general hand on an airship.